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Bioinformatics Analysis
As a leader in the sequencing industry, CD Genomics not only provides services such as Sanger sequencing, NGS sequencing, and single-molecule sequencing but also provides you with bioinformatics analysis services. High-throughput sequencing generates massive amounts of data, and we have state-of-the-art bioinformatics tools that can help you assemble, interpret the data, and get the information back to you quickly. Our bioinformatics analysis service not only includes sequencing data generation, basic analysis of sequencing data, and graphic preparation for publication but also bioinformatics analysis of sequencing data according to your research needs to help your research.
Our Types of Bioinformatics Analysis
CD Genomics offers a wide range of bioinformatics analysis services, including raw data and downstream functions. We also support the analysis of external data in addition to our sequencing platform as well.
DNA-Seq Data Analysis
- De no genome assembly
- Mutation (SNP & INDEL) analysis
- Structural variation analysis
- CNV analysis
- Fusion gene detection
- Exome sequencing analysis
- Chromosomal immunoprecipitation sequencing fragment analysis, etc.
RNA-Seq Data Analysis
- Differential gene expression analysis
- Variable shear analysis
- Identification of novel isomers
- Small fragment RNA expression analysis
- De no transcriptome assembly
- Mutation (SNP/INDEL) discovery, etc.
Metagenomics Analysis
- 16S/18S/ITS sequencing analysis
- Genome-wide metagenomics analysis
Analysis of HIV Integration Sites
An analytical pipeline to identify LTR-genome junctions; use multiple strategies to count unique integrants in the face of alignment and PCR errors, and use a cumulative integration site database to eliminate low-level contaminants.
Downstream Analysis of Genes of Interest
Single Cell RNA Analysis
Custom Analysis Projects
Our Workflow

CD Genomics is a leader in sequencing analysis, and as a global company with a specialized sequencing technology platform, we provide high-quality bioinformatics analysis services. Please contact us today for expert support if you need it!
For research use only, not for any clinical use.