
High Volume Plate Sequencing

Online Inquiry

High Volume Plate Sequencing

The Sanger sequencing team at CD Genomics is able to offer high volume plate sequencing service to experienced researchers who are confident in their template and primer preparation methods. Here's what you need to know about this sequencing service.

Customers Need to Provide

Prepare the premixed primers and template to be tested according to the volume plate sequencing requirements provided below.

DS Plasmid DNA

  • 1,000-1,500 ng ds plasmid DNA template
  • 2 µL 4 µM primers
  • x µL sterile water
  • 18 µL total volume

PCR products

  • Template
  • 100-300 bp: 40-50 ng
  • 300- 500 bp: 40-160 ng
  • 500 bp- 1 kb: 500 ng
  • 2 µL 4 µM primers
  • x µL sterile water
  • 18 µL total volume

BAC and Phage Lambda DNA

  • Add 4000 ng of template DNA and mix as above.
  • Cesium chloride ribbon.
  • Alkaline cleavage was performed with phenol extraction and isopropanol precipitation.

Single-stranded M13 or Phagemid DNA

  • Add 200-300 ng of template DNA and mix as described above.
  • Cover the plates securely with a strip cap or sealing film and wrap each plate with a sealing film.
  • Make sure to label each plate with a unique name.

Please make sure that you have cleaned up the sample before submission, not just diluted or desalted. Size exclusion columns are recommended. Ethanol precipitation is not recommended as this will not remove unbound dNTP and primers.

Labels and Plates

  • All submitted high volume plates must be uniquely labeled and carefully sealed with a cap or sealing foil to avoid sample contamination.
  • The minimum number of samples for a single high volume plate is 48. When submitting less than 96 samples on a plate, please submit in multiples of 12, and in order.

We Are Ready to Provide

  • After receiving your high-capacity board, we first mark your high-capacity board with a unique QR code.
  • Your sample will then be PCR amplified and purified. PCR products were directly checked for quality. If the purity does not meet the sequencing requirements, we will proceed with further purification.
  • After complete sequence purification, Sanger sequencing was performed. After the sequencing is completed, we will conduct corresponding data analysis according to your research needs. Finally, we will return the obtained data and corresponding chart to you.

As a professional sequencing company, CD Genomics is looking forward to providing you with high volume plate sequencing service. If you are interested, please contact us directly.

For research use only, not for any clinical use.



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