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Whole Genome Bisulfite Sequencing
DNA methylation is one of the earliest identified and most studied epigenetic regulatory mechanisms. Sequencing analysis is the most effective means to study DNA methylation. CD Genomics provides a whole genome bisulfite sequencing (WGBS) service to a wide range of researchers based on advanced sequencing platforms to help them achieve efficient analysis of DMR and related genes for functional analysis.
What Is Whole Genome Bisulfite Sequencing?
Whole genome bisulfite sequencing is regarded as the "gold standard" for methylation sequencing. The principle is to convert unmethylated C bases in the genome to U by bisulfite treatment and then to T after PCR amplification to distinguish them from the original C bases with methylation modification resolution and can determine whether CpG/CHG/CHH sites are methylated, thus constructing a fine genome-wide DNA methylation map.
Customers Need to Provide
The DNA sample quality required for WGBS needs to meet several conditions.
- The Recom. Quantity of the DNA sample needs to be >= 500 ng.
- Concentration needs to be >= 20 ng/µL and volume needs to be >= 25 µL.
- Lowest Quant. needs to be >= 500 ng, Preferred Buffer is EB.
- 260/280 ratio is 1.8-2, 260/230 ratio >2.
Please note that all samples must be accompanied by appropriate sample quality control documentation (e.g., bioanalyzer traces, agarose gel electrophoresis images) and that all samples should be stored at -80°C and shipped on sufficient dry ice.
Sample Information
Please provide the specific concentration, volume, preparation time, and species origin for each sample. And inform about the specific information as well as the control and experimental samples (if there are groupings, describe in detail the grouping analysis information).
- Sequencing raw data
- Data analysis report
- Experimental results type files
- Graphs required for publication
- Descriptions of some of the methods used in the published article
- Epigenetic studies.
- DNA methylation changes before and after specific control treatment.
- Study of non-coding RNA-mediated DNA methylation modifications and their functions.
- DNA methylation changes during specific developmental processes or before and after biological changes (e.g., carcinogenesis).
Our Advantages
- We have extensive experience in sample processing and library building to produce reliable libraries.
- We provide a complete set of quality control analyses to ensure data accuracy.
- We can analyze WGBS data from all levels to provide you with more biological information.
- We provide more personalized analysis ideas and analysis solutions.
Our Workflow

To facilitate epigenetic research, CD Genomics provides researchers with a whole genome bisulfite sequencing service to pinpoint methylation sites at the single-base resolution level. If you are interested in this highly accurate DNA methylation analysis service, please feel free to contact us.
For research use only, not for any clinical use.