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Sample Preparation
The key to successful sequencing is the preservation of biological information during sample preparation. Due to the type of material sampled and the purpose of the experiment, different types of samples are prepared in different ways to preserve as much biological information as possible, which helps to improve sequencing accuracy, prevent sample contamination, and minimize sequencing errors.
Different sequencing analyses have corresponding preparation techniques. For example, there are differences in sample preparation analyses between short-read and long-read sequencing techniques. In short-read sequencing, nucleic acids are artificially split during preparation, whereas in long-read sequencing, the original length of the nucleic acid is maintained. There are significant differences between preparation techniques. CD Genomics can provide preparation services tailored to the needs of the researcher. A few of the main sample preparation methods are shown below.
Our Sample Preparation Services
Sample Preparation for Transcriptome Analysis
Sample preparation depends on the RNA fraction of interest. Typically, poly-A containing messenger RNA (mRNA) molecules are purified using poly-T bound to magnetic beads and ribosomal RNA is removed using target-specific oligomers to ensure that coding and non-coding RNA molecules can be accurately analyzed. Full-length double-stranded cDNA is prepared after the removal of impurities and background contamination. short-read sequencing and long-read sequencing are used depending on requirements, and multiple indexing options can be used to optimize the use of sequencing capacity or improve sequence accuracy. For special miRNA sequencing, a gel purification step must be performed to remove by-products from the library.
In ATAC-Seq, genomic DNA is exposed to a highly active transposase, Tn5, which splits the DNA and adds sequencing primers.
Sample Preparation for Chromatin Analysis
The targets of chromatin analysis include protein/DNA interactions (ChIP-Seq), open chromatin regions (ATAC-Seq), and chromatin conformation (HiC). ChIP-Seq is capable of retaining protein/DNA interactions and primarily uses target-specific antibodies to select regions of interest.
Sample Preparation for Whole-Genome Sequencing
WGS is a method for determining the entire DNA sequence of an organism's genome in a single pass. Almost any biological sample containing a complete copy of DNA can provide the genetic material required for whole-genome sequencing, such as saliva, epithelial cells, or bone marrow. For short-read long sequencing, PCR amplification can be omitted before sequencing as current assays are sufficiently sensitive. For long-read long sequencing, the fetch length is limited only by the length of the molecules in the sample.
Sample Preparation for Methylation Analysis
A tool for understanding genome-wide methylation through single-nucleotide resolution, DNA methylation is the process of adding methyl groups to DNA molecules, altering the activity of DNA fragments without changing the sequence. DNA is usually treated with bisulfite before sequencing. It can be used to reveal epigenetic modifications and rare methylation events.
Sample Preparation for Single-Cell Analysis
The "10× Genomics" technique is used in single-cell analysis. This technique relies heavily on the distribution of thousands of cells into nanolitre-sized gel bead emulsions (GEM).
Our Workflow

CD Genomics is a leader in sequencing services and development, with a professional sequencing technology platform that provides high-quality sequencing technology services. If you are interested in sequencing technology, please contact us today for expert support!
For research use only, not for any clinical use.