Online Inquiry
CD Genomics has the most advanced second-generation sequencing platform and provides you with quality transcriptome sequencing services with our extensive experience and R&D team.
What Is mRNA-Seq?
Using high-throughput and accurate next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology, mRNA-seq reveals gene expression profiles and describes sequential changes in the transcriptome. In mRNA-seq technology, mRNA is specifically captured or enriched and converted into cDNA for library preparation. mRNA-Seq not only provides extremely accurate and highly sensitive quantification of gene expression, but also identifies known and novel transcript isoforms, gene fusions, and other signatures.
Customers Need to Provide
- Eukaryotic RNA-Seq (cDNA library)
For total RNA samples, samples should be sent at least ≥ 200 ng, RNA integrity number ≥ 4.0, A260/280 = 1.8-2.2, A260/230 ≥ 1.8.
For total RNA (blood) samples, samples should be sent at least ≥ 400 ng, RNA integrity number ≥ 5.8, A260/280 = 1.8-2.2, A260/230 ≥ 1.8 is required.
For amplified cDNA (double-stranded) samples, samples should be sent at least ≥ 100 ng, fragment size between 400 bp and 5000 bp, A260/280 = 1.8-2.0, A260/230 ≥ 1.8.
- Eukaryotic RNA-Seq (strand specific library)
For total RNA samples, samples should be sent at least ≥ 400 ng, RNA integrity number ≥ 5.8, A260/280 = 1.8-2.2, A260/230 ≥ 1.8.
Please note that all samples need to be stored in a -80℃ refrigerator and transported on dry ice.
Sample Information
Please provide the specific concentration, volume, preparation time, and species origin for each sample. And inform about the specific information as well as the control and experimental samples (if there are groupings, describe in detail the grouping analysis information).
- Sequencing raw data
- Data analysis report
- Experimental results type files
- Graphs required for publication
- Descriptions of some of the methods used in the published article
mRNA-seq is a powerful tool for analyzing the transcriptome, and our services help researchers achieve multiple experimental goals:
- Quantitative profiling of transcripts in different tissues or samples, under various conditions and treatments.
- Discovery of novel transcripts, alternative splicing (AS), and transcript variations.
- Research of developmental mechanisms and drug resistance through tissue-specific transcripts or time-course gene expression.
- Biomarker discovery based on novel transcripts/isoforms, SNP/InDel identification, and fusion gene analysis.
- Omics analysis in combination with the transcriptome.
- Investigation of pathogenic mechanisms and clinical subtypes in clinical diagnosis.
Our Advantages
- Providing high-throughput, high-accuracy sequencing, and the required low initial RNA input.
- Extensive experience in mRNA-Seq services to properly resolve problems encountered in experiments.
- Provide inclusive solutions for multiple experimental needs such as quantitation, differential gene expression, and de no transcript annotation.
Our Workflow

CD Genomics provides customers with an mRNA sequencing service based on the Illumina NovaSeq system, etc., to help customers obtain information on gene expression, alternative splicing, and RNA editing in RNA. If you need, please feel free to contact us for technical support.
For research use only, not for any clinical use.